Dec 7, 2004
Schwaben Inn, Dundas, ON
The annual luncheon event in 2004 was attended by 70 members and guests, with the usual opportunities for meeting and chatting with former co-workers and friends.
Always a "can't miss" event on the Calendar of University President, Peter George. He reviewed some of the recent successes of the University and congratulated the retirees present for their dedication and service over the years.
Scientist colleagues Arthur Bourns (Chemist, and MURA Honorary President) and Martin Johns (Past Chair, Physics) were earnest in their reminiscences.
Two former Faculty Administrative Coordinators, Veronica Morrison (Humanities) and Murlis Cooper (Engineering) and Jim Walker, former Associate Registrar (Records) and MURA Past President.
Ian and Averil Thompson await lunch. Averil is the MURA secretary, a position she has held for a number of years. Ian is also a McMaster retiree.
MURA President Mildred McLaren (centre) with the 2004 MURA Scholarship recipients Maria d'Elia (left) and Jennifer Luynes (right). We understand that Maria negotiated a deferred examination so that she could attend the lunch!
A regular feature of the luncheon is the door prize draw. A tense moment as University Chancellor Mel Hawkrigg is caught with his hand in the (cookie??) jar and is rescued by a concerned luncheon organizer Helen Otrosina.
There were quite a few Door Prize "goodies" and the lucky winners got to choose from the varied sized parcels. Irene Johnson, formerly of Planning, was serious in her decision-making.