MURANews Fall 2018 issue in PDF format
In this issue:
![]() President's CornerUnlike last year, autumn made its appearance pretty much on schedule after a true summer season of hot — and often very humid — weather. The Canada Day weekend was one for the record books. While approaching various people about roles and positions on MURA Council committees earlier this year, MURA was presented with a new opportunity. Anne Plessl, recently retired from the Library, offered to organize a “New Retirees Luncheon”. This is something that used to happen in a different format but hasn’t taken place for a few years. MURA Council approved going ahead with the idea. The inaugural event took place on September 25 with an excellent turnout. New members were able to see who else had also recently retired and find out what others have planned for this new stage in life’s journey. Helen Barton and I were able to share with the group what MURA is about, introduce MURA Council members and advise retirees about the perks and benefits available to retirees. Our Human Resources liaisons Kathy Petrunti and Helen Dickman were also on hand to answer questions. If you have additional ideas that would be of interest or value to MURA members, please get in touch with someone on Council so we can explore the possibilities. One of MURA’s key events, the Christmas Lunch, will be held on December 5. This popular event is always well attended, with some groups organizing tables of colleagues from their department. I’m looking forward to seeing many of you there. Heather Grigg, MURA President MURA Christmas Lunch
Wednesday, December 5, 2018 at 12:00 Noon CIBC Hall — McMaster Student Centre RSVP by Friday, November 16, 2018 There will be a cash bar with both alcoholic and non-alcoholic choices for your pre- and post-lunch enjoyment, while you chat with fellow retirees in this festive season. We will also have draw prizes for you to win. This is a good opportunity to renew friendships with your former working colleagues. Arrange to arrive a little early to choose and share a table. Each table seats nine people. The price is $17.50 per person.Please be advised that you must pre-book and pay for the Christmas Lunch by Friday, November 16, 2018 and should make your booking as soon as possible. We will try to accommodate everybody who wants to attend, but seating is limited to 200. You will not be able to pay for your meal on the day of the event. Please fill out and send in the Booking Form (on p. 10 of the print/pdf version of this issue of MURAnews) along with your cheque by Friday, November 16, 2018. For information, contact Beth Csordas at 905-681-2075 or Complimentary Parking MURA thanks Parking Services for their generous support Retirees who do not have a McMaster parking permit and transponder will have access to Parking Lots B, C and D close to the Student Centre, and to the underground Stadium lot. Come on campus via the Sterling Street entrance. Park in any of these lots showing “Visitors - Open”. Take an entry ticket from the machine at the lot entrance and exchange it for a complimentary “Exit Ticket” at the luncheon registration table. Your Exit Ticket will be used at the exit gate to “pay” for your parking when you leave your parking lot. If none of these lots show “Visitors - Open”, use the Help button at a lot entrance that indicates “Full to Visitors” to gain access or be directed to an available lot. Retirees with valid transponders may park in any lot that shows “Transponders - Open”. PARKING SPACES ARE AT A PREMIUM. WHY NOT TRY CAR POOLING? For the mobility impaired: If you have an Ontario Accessible Parking Permit and require reserved accessible parking, please be sure to tell Beth in your RSVP. Reserved parking will be provided in Lot C close to the Student Centre. Press the Help button at the entrance to gain access to the lot. Parking staff will be on duty to assist with accessible parking in Lot C. Please have an Ontario Accessible Parking Permit on display in your vehicle. Department Retirees Keep in Touch via Their Own Facebook Page by John Horsman Ah, modern “social media” … Facebook, Twitter, and the rest. Love ‘em or loathe ‘em, they are remarkable phenomena. Instantaneous, informative, invasive, real or fake news, all just a few keystrokes away. Most of us have email accounts and many I’m sure have personal Facebook pages. One enterprising group of Mac retirees has developed a group Facebook page as a way of keeping abreast with their former departmental colleagues and friends. The Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (CE&B), now known as The Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact (HEI), has a rich history in academics and research, as well as socially. Faculty, staff and students organized and participated in annual events like golf tournaments, Christmas parties, retreats, curling bonspiels, summer picnics, and the Random Errors intramural baseball team. Many retirees from CE&B spent most of their adult working careers in the department (including yours truly). The Department grew rapidly from its start in the mid 1970s and quickly became a tour de force for health research and teaching for students and researchers around the world. The first Chair of the Department was the eminent Dr. David Sackett. When he passed away in 2016, an event was planned to celebrate his life and memory as well as the accomplishments of the Department he helped found, guide and mentor for over 40 years. In 2017, the 50th Anniversary of the Department, colleagues old and new came back to McMaster to help celebrate. These two momentous events spurred a group of retirees to form a Facebook group. Led by Debbie Billings, its vision was to share stories and pictures, reach out to and keep in touch with former colleagues and friends, and provide an opportunity to reminisce and share their memories of the “good old days” as well as keep current with who is doing what and where. Debbie and co-administrator Mary Gauld manage this closed group, and prospective members must ask to join. The current enrollment is over 50. The group name is CE&B Retirees, Oldtimers and Others, showing just how inclusive the department was and how the retirees want it to continue. Group members continue to organize outings and social gatherings. A trip to see the Blue Jays in Toronto has become an annual event. Lunches, dinners, and theatre outings have been enjoyed by groups large and small. If you want more information about setting up a Facebook group for your former department or are a former CE&Ber and want to join the CE&B group, contact Debbie at billings@mcmaster.caor Mary at Looking for McMaster Faculty from 1965-69 The Class of ’69 will host their 50th anniversary celebrations on Saturday, June 1, 2019, and would enjoy seeing their former faculty at this gathering. The McMaster Alumni Association is looking for faculty from a variety of areas of study to attend this celebration as special guests. There will be activities throughout the day and a 50th anniversary dinner in the evening. Retired faculty members from this era are welcome to participate as they are able. Please contact Laura Escalante at escalan@mcmaster.caor 905-525-9140 ext. 21314 for more information. Parking Permit Expiry Renewal Reminder
Parking Services will send email reminders each month to those who have a permit expiring within the next 30 days. To receive an email reminder, ensure that Parking Services has your current email address on file. If you have questions or have not made note of your expiry date, please contact McMaster Parking Services by email at or at (905) 525-9140 ext. 24232. Have You Heard about the New Shingles Vaccine?By Mary Johnston MURA members and their friends should be aware that a new vaccine, called Shingrix, is available for the prevention of shingles. The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) has made a strong recommendation that Shingrix should be offered to individuals 50 years of age or older. Shingles is caused by reactivation of the varicella zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox. More than 90% of those over 50 years old have had chickenpox and are at risk for shingles. A person's risk for shingles increases with age and an estimated 30% of Canadians will develop shingles in their lifetime. It is possible to get shingles a second time. Shingrix has been shown in clinical trials to be more effective than the older shingles vaccine Zostavax. Even if you received Zostavax in the past, you may still be eligible to receive Shingrix. Shingrix is given as two injections, with the second administered two to six months after the first. It is an expensive medication, costing approximately $300 for the course of two injections. Some MURA members may be covered by their post-retirement benefits. If your Sun Life group benefits booklet lists vaccines under prescription drugs, you should be able to claim reimbursement of the cost of Shingrix through Sun Life. Pharmacies and some physicians will charge a fee to administer the vaccine, typically $15 to $25; this additional fee will not be covered by Sun Life. To see your benefits booklet, go to If you or a loved one has suffered from shingles, you know how awful the experience can be. Visit your physician to ask if you are a candidate for vaccination against shingles. For questions about coverage by your post-retirement benefits package, call Sun Life Financial at 1-800-361-6212 or Human Resources at 905-525-9140 ext. 22247. You should have your member ID (your former employee ID number) available when making the call. Please let MURA know if you encounter any problems in obtaining reimbursement from Sun Life. You can contact MURA by email at or you may leave a voice message at 905-525-9140, ext. 23171. Primary Sources: André Picard. The Globe and Mail. Published January 1, 2018; Updated January 8, 2018: Statement from the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (August 27, 2018): Eye Examination Funding Who pays for your eye examinations after you retire? OHIP provides coverage for eye exams once a person reaches age 65. But if you are a retiree under age 65, who pays? OHIP does not cover eye exams for age 20 to 64, except for "specific" medical conditions. See: If you did not pay for eye exams before you retired from Mac, your 'active employee' benefit plan was likely providing this coverage. For McMaster retirees under age 65, some retiree benefit plans cover eye examinations, others do not. If you have checked the retiree benefit booklet that applies to you and it doesn't have a phrase that covers eye exams then you most likely do not have coverage. Even for some groups that do have coverage only the retiree is covered, not a spouse. For example, one booklet says "Eye Exams (Retiree Only): We will cover the cost for the services of an ophthalmologist or licensed optometrist, up to a maximum of $100 per member every 2 benefit years if not covered by your provincial health care plan". Most retiree booklets are available at If you cannot find one that applies to you, contact the Human Resources Service Centre 905-525-9140 ext. 22247. Changing Your Bank Account?CIBC Mellon needs your new banking information for your pension payment. The “Change in Banking Information” process for retirees is to complete the CIBC Mellon Direct Deposit Request Form and mail it to them. There is also a link to the form on the McMaster Human Resources “Pension Forms” page. Print the form, complete it, and mail it to CIBC Mellon at the address provided on the bottom of the form. Retirees may also call CIBC Mellon at 1-800-565-0479 to request a copy of the form. Men’s Health: What the Latest Research Tells Us The following is an excerpt from an article featured on the McMaster Optimal Aging Portal – For more evidence-based tips and information on men’s health, browse all the blogs on this topic's-health What puts a man’s health at risk as he gets older? The top risk factors are common and often preventable. However, research suggests that men tend to put less focus on their own health and well-being than women. They see the doctor less frequently and are less engaged in preventive health behaviours. From health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, prostate cancer and chronic respiratory disease, to mental health issues such as loneliness — healthy aging threats can be significantly reduced through lifestyle changes such as healthy diet, regular exercise and social engagement. Take an active role in your health, both body and mind: Screening for prostate cancer: What you should know about the PSA test
The men’s sheds: A safe and inclusive space for older men
Build strength to age well! The benefits of progressive resistance training
Exercise plays an active role in treating depression
Erectile dysfunction treatment options
Are we equal in the face of aging? Challenges faced by LGBTQ2 older adults
Do you value credible health information? McMaster University has developed the McMaster Optimal Aging Portal to give you access to research-based information to help you age well and manage your health conditions. Visit their website ( for more evidence-based information to support healthy aging. A Reminder about Submitting Sun Life Benefit Claims When submitting paper claim forms to Sun Life, be sure to use the most recent version of the form. Out-of-date forms may contain inaccurate information. A recent claim by a retiree to the address on the back of an older claim form was returned by Canada Post with the annotation “Post Office Box CLOSED”. Here are three ways to obtain the most recent Dental or Extended Health claim form: If you are set up to submit electronic claims, login to your My Sun Life account at: Click on ‘Submit a claim’ and then on ‘claim form’. The Dental and Extended Health forms available for download will have some of your personal information already filled in for your convenience. A second place to get the forms is at Click on Post-Retirement Benefits, and then on 'Read More' under 'Sun Life Benefit Information' on the lower right of the screen. These forms will not have personal information on them. If you do not have a computer, internet access, and a printer, you can obtain the claim forms on campus in the Human Resources reception area on the third floor of Gilmour Hall. Or you can call Human Resources at 905-525-9140 ext. 22247, and request the forms be mailed to you. An additional recommendation: When submitting a paper claim form to Sun Life, keep a copy of the completed claim form and supporting documents in case your claim is lost in the mail or at Sun Life. When making an electronic claim, keep the supporting documents in the event Sun Life conducts an audit on your claim, which they reserve the right to do. Recent PassingsWanda Biatosik, Building Operations, Dec. 27/17 Welcome New RetireesMin Hao, Biochemistry ...and a belated welcome to Kris Kostanski, Nuclear Reactor ![]() Travel & Extended Health Insurance Now AvailableCURAC (College and University Retirees Associations of Canada) has provided the following announcement about travel and extended health insurance available to its members. MURA is a member of CURAC and thus all MURA members are automatically members of CURAC. MURA does not evaluate or endorse specific insurance providers, but believes many Mac retirees will benefit from these carefully selected plans. “Travel and extended health insurance at attractive rates is available to all members of retiree groups, such as ours, that are affiliated with CURAC/ARUCC (College and University Retiree Associations of Canada). Two excellent insurance plans are available. MEDOC insurance provides stand-alone travel insurance to cover out-of-province and out-of-country emergencies. This annual policy covers an unlimited number of trips up to 17 or 35 days per trip, depending on the option you choose (with supplemental insurance available for longer trips) and includes trip cancellation and interruption insurance. Premiums are based on an individual’s age and pre-existing medical conditions. (There is a 90-day stability clause for pre-existing conditions.) However, no CURAC member would be denied coverage based on age or health status. This insurance will be of particular interest to individuals who feel they already have adequate extended health insurance and wish to benefit from the lower travel insurance premiums for relatively younger retirees (e.g., below the age of 76) who are in good health. RTO/ERO insurance [RTO/ERO does not offer stand-alone travel insurance, however their full extended health care package includes competitive travel/trip cancellation insurance.] For more information about MEDOC insurance go to call 1.866.606.3362. For more information about RTO/ERO insurance go to call 1.877.406.9007. To ensure you get the correct information, identify yourself as a member of your retirees’ association and CURAC when asking questions or applying for insurance." Hiking and biking in the Hamilton area by John Horsman Hiking trails abound in the Hamilton area, and what better time to venture out but the autumn when the region is awash with colour. From the top of the escarpment to the shores of Cootes and Lake Ontario, trails range from short, simple loops for easy-moderate strolls to moderate-hard trails for the more fit or adventurous. There are trails along the waterfront, trails to many of Hamilton’s 170+ waterfalls, trails for history enthusiasts, trails for the nature lover, scenic loop trails that bring you back to where you started. Similarly, there are biking routes in and around Hamilton that suit the Sunday easy-rider and the off-road warrior. Top of the list through Hamilton is the Bruce Trail. This iconic trail wends its way from near Niagara-on-the-Lake and follows the Niagara Escarpment (more or less) north through southern Ontario, up the Bruce Peninsula and ends in Tobermory. The main trail is nearly 900km long and there are over 400km of side trails, many in the Hamilton region. The Bruce Trail is only one of hundreds of kilometers of hiking trails in the Hamilton area. The Dundas Valley is criss-crossed with many kilometers of trails largely in wooded conservation areas. There are urban pathways through Hamilton and trails in, around and through Ancaster, Stoney Creek, and the entire Hamilton region. Hiking trails in this area include: Dundas Valley, Dundas Peak, Tiffany-Sherman Falls, Chedoke Radial, Borer’s Falls, Bull’s Point, Hamilton-Brantford Rail Trail, Dundas Valley Heritage Trail, Spencer Creek Trail, Waterdown to Smokey Hollow, Cherry Hill Loop, Royal Botanical Trails, Red Hill Valley, Pier 4 Park, Grindstone Creek via Waterdown, Dundurn Stairs, and the Eramosa Karst Conservation Area on Upper Mount Albion Road, just to name a few. Online information about the above mentioned trails and many more can be found at and The Alltrails smart phone app gives brief descriptions and maps, along with directions to dozens of walking and hiking trails in the Hamilton area. The Heart of Ontario web site includes trails not only in the Hamilton region but also Brant and Halton counties, the Niagara Escarpment, Grand River and the Bruce Trail, as well as biking trails and day trips to small town Ontario. Volunteer OpportunitiesDon’t want to volunteer alone? Sign up with a friend. The McMaster NeuroFit Lab, directed by Dr. Jennifer Heisz, is recruiting older adults for a study on physical fitness and brain health. The rapid increase in the aging population and the consequent surge in the incidence of neurodegenerative diseases underlie the urgent need to identify interventions that will help older adults maintain their cognitive, visual and mental health. The research aims to investigate the benefits provided by physical fitness on cognition, vision and mood and to understand the mechanisms responsible for these relationships. The study needs people 65 years of age or older who are free from cognitive impairment, auto-immune disease, type II diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, obesity (BMI>30) and are not currently taking hormone replacement therapy or beta-blockers. Participants will be compensated for participating in the three required on-campus sessions. If you fit the criteria and are interested in participating in this study, please contact Alexis via email at or via phone at 905-525-9140 ext. 23616. VON Hamilton has a role for YOU… VON Hamilton values and appreciates the caring volunteers who are the heart of our organization. We care that our volunteers have a positive and rewarding volunteer experience. VON provides orientation, training and ongoing support to our volunteers. The following opportunities are available:
Join our team today, become a VON volunteer! Call 905-529-0700 x2251 or email Exam Hospitality Fall 2018 @ McMaster Volunteers are being welcomed to help out for exam drop-in this December. We are looking for individuals who would like to spend time with students dropping in for a coffee break from studying. The shifts are from 5:30pm - 7:15pm or 7:15pm - 9:00pm. Drop-ins are hosted Friday, December 7 until Sunday, December 16 — excluding Saturdays. We also welcome cookie donations (store bought or homemade — peanut free). If interested, please contact Kristine Sabido at or call 905-525-9140 x24207. ![]() We Are Almost There! Thanks to the support of our donors we have almost reached our target of raising $85,000 for the MURA Endowment Fund. As of this fall $83,215 has been donated. An additional $1,785 will enable MURA to increase the values of the annual awards to students studying gerontology. The full-time student scholarship will go from $2,000 to $2,500 and the part-time student prize from $550 to $750. Please help us make this happen by donating at or by contacting Meggie MacDougall at or at 905 525 9140 ext. 24667. England, Wales And Ireland: Saxons, Celts And Gaels Join Graham Roebuck, Professor Emeritus, McMaster University and your fellow McMaster retirees and friends as we experience the amazing cultural riches and scenery of these isles. Our 23-day journey begins in London on September 24, 2019 and will take us through England, Wales and Ireland, visiting ancient castles, beautiful gardens, stately homes and other sites of historical, literary and cultural significance, all the while enjoying the magnificent scenery for which these areas are celebrated. As we travel from London to the Cotswolds, Welsh Marches, Wales and on to a circle tour of Ireland, we shall explore the remaining and the current aspects of this ancient, hybrid civilization. Through illustrated talks and informal discussions during the tour, Dr. Roebuck will help us to fully appreciate these exceptional countries. Highlights:
Cost: $8,300.00 CAD per person based on double occupancy. Single supplement available upon request. Air transportation is not included but can be arranged. Detailed information can be found by contacting Elizabeth McCallum at 905-540-8747, emailing or visiting
A cellist and co-founder of the famous Prague String Quartet in Czechoslovakia, Zdenek immigrated to Canada in 1968 to escape Russian occupation. In Canada he was a member of the Czech String Quartet, McMaster artist-in-residence, and then became a regular faculty member in the Department of Music in 1972. Zdenek taught in the Music Education programme as Associate Professor. Zdenek was a founding member of Trio Canada with pianist Valerie Tryon and the late violinist, Marta Hidy. He and his wife, Lida, returned to Prague to live in 2005. Let Us Know If We Can Stop Mailing MURAnewsto YOU
Please help MURA’s budget by opting out of the postal mailing of MURAnews. Email Helen Barton at or call her at 905-518-5339.
You can print your own MURAnews from the PDF copy we send by email, just click the link in the email, or visit our web site and read online. Contacting MURAMail: Gilmour Hall B108, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L8S 4L8 Phone: (905) 525-9140, ext. 23171 (voicemail is checked once a week) Email: ![]() Booking Form for MURA Christmas Lunch Wednesday, December 5, 2018, 12 noon $17.50 per person — payable to MURA Book by November 16, 2018 To reserve seats for the Christmas Lunch, please complete this form and mail with a cheque payable to MURA to: Beth Csordas, 44-3333 New Street, Burlington, Ontario L7N 1N1 For more information, contact Beth Csordas (905-681-2075 or # of persons _________________ Amount (# of persons x $17.50) $___________________ Name _______________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________ Postal Code ___________________ Telephone # ___________________ Email address_____________________________ Name(s) of additional guest(s) ______________________________________ I have an Ontario Accessible parking permit and require reserved accessible parking: Yes__________ No__________
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