Council activities include the following:
Assist/support members with queries about benefits
While direct assistance to all retirees is available from McMaster HR, the role of MURA is to support and facilitate contact, and to identify and raise matters of general concern to the membership.
Represent members on the Pension Trust Committees
Council's representatives on the committees act as advocates for retirees' concerns and ensure that matters of interest are brought to the attention of the membership.
Endorse University academic objectives by donation of scholarships
The annual donation of modest scholarships for gerontology students from the funds of the Association reflects our continuing commitment to the academic mission of the University, expressed in a way that is relevant to the membership.
Send cards and flowers to members/families as appropriate
These contacts are usually made in bereavement situations.
Write letters to new retirees
New retirees are informed of the role of MURA and invited to become active in the Association.
Maintain a database of retirees and other members of the Association
This facilitates the work of the Association while maintaining a friendly arm’s length from the University's administrative departments and other campus entities.
Plan and organize trips and other events for members
These events are popular with a significant segment of the membership who also enjoy the company of other McMaster retirees.
Publish a newsletter and maintain a website
MURAnews has been the main communication vehicle between Council and the membership. This website is complementary to the newsletter providing timely up-to-date information for members. Many members elect not to receive the mailed hard copy of the newsletter, in favour of accessing its content through email or on the website.
Negotiate special opportunities for members with other organizations
MURA is a member of CURAC, which negotiates Canada-wide to provide all its members with various benefits and opportunities.