Association membership

Every person who retires from McMaster University automatically becomes a ‘regular’ lifetime member of MURA when they retire.

There are no membership fees. MURA's operating budget is fully funded by income from the McMaster University Faculty Association (MUFA), McMaster Office of the President, SEIU Local 2 BGPWU and Unifor Local 5555

Human Resources provides contact information to MURA Council only if the retiree signs a release of information. MURA urges new retirees to sign this form, which is included in the retirement package. Any retiree who has not been receiving MURA communications, such as the newsletter, is advised to contact either MURA or HR to provide current contact information and a release authorization if required.

There are three categories of membership: ‘Regular’, ‘Associate’, and ‘Honorary’.

‘Regular’ members have the following rights:

  • to serve on the MURA Council or be elected to any other positions that may arise
  • to vote at annual general meetings and special meetings of the Association, including on motions to amend the Constitution
  • to receive all issues of MURAnews, the Association's newsletter

Associate and Honorary members are described in Article 3 of the Constitution.

Updated March 22, 2017

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MURA, McMaster University, Gilmour Hall Room B108, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4L8

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