MacID password changes - keeping your account with Mac active, Summer 2013 [updated July 2021]

July 30, 2013 5:30 PM | Anonymous

University Technology Services (UTS) has recently changed the rules for MacID passwords to a new, more secure standard. You will be unable to use your MacID if you have not changed your password to fit the new standard since February 19, 2013.  

In addition, MacID passwords will now expire after 12 months from the last password change date.  

A MacID provides authentication to applications such as McMaster email accounts, library e-resources, the campus Wi-Fi network and the McMaster Virtual Private Network (VPN).  

Your MacID is not your 7-digit employee number. It is an identifier that usually includes part or all of your surname. For retirees using a McMaster email account, it’s the userid portion of the email address

The UTS online password change tool and a description of the new requirements are available on the UTS MacID help page.  

UTS recommends clearing all saved instances of a MacID password before changing it. Saved passwords are often found in, for example, email programs on computers and Wi-Fi logins on smartphones.

Please  contact the UTS Service Desk if you have questions or encounter difficulties. 

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